Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Episode 32

Episode 32     

In episode 32 I discuss my latest approach to composing and overcoming writer's block. Topics also include some recent horror movies I've seen and how Grateful Dead music belongs on the classical guitar. The show caps off with 2 great pieces by Jared S. Coffin.

Jared S Coffin Website 

I suppose I barely touched on what I hated about Werewolves Within. I largely found the movie to be predictable and the humor forced and over the top. I appreciate a good horror comedy, but not to the cartoonish levels of this movie. We saw the best parts of the movie in the trailer, which I suggest watching as an alternative to the movie. 

Regarding the Fear St. movies, what I mostly disliked about the first one was the lack of likable protagonists. I found it difficult to feel invested in their mortal outcomes, with the exception of the the Iron Maiden kid. He was great. Overall though, the story was interesting enough to make it enjoyable.

I thought the 2nd movie had a little more to offer with the characters being somewhat more relatable, plus it probably helps that you're more established in the setting after the 1st movie. It also didn't suffer from the hyperactive song changes that were over the top in the first movie.

There it is.


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Episode 56 Yes, it's true. I have finally recorded a podcast after a brief hiatus.